Saturday, 28 July 2012

Faster than a speeding bullet - July 2012

OK, so maybe not a fast as a speeding bullet but we can see some real progress this week. There has been a few delays as one of our side walls would not support the structure upstairs (as decided by Dean and Structural Engineer) so a few extra steel posts were ordered (variation $1500) but it's obviously necessary.

Also found out that we would have to loose our original archway in the hall due to the bedroom upstairs and the bulkhead underneath needed to support it. The bedroom head height is only 2.4 metres so that can't be reduced. We really wanted to keep the arch as it defined the old from the new and really without it we only had the front bedroom as original and we were worried it would look stupid. Alas, I suppose it's all about compromises and as we were not willing to decrease the room size upstairs the arch had to go. Well I should have known better, I think Trevor couldn't let it go and after discussing with Dean they have found a way to reduce the room size by only 200mm and do some fancy joist work and yippee we keep the arch.

Steel posts and beams up

The infamous arch, now the bulkhead behind will only go down to the top line, not the bottom one.

Brickwork going up, the hole on the right is our window and stacker doors will be to the right.

Joists going in for 1st floor

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